Welcome to FlowWithGod.net

The purpose of this Site is to help immerse folks in God, the Father; God the Son; and God the Holy Spirit using the Bible.
preached my first sermon in a Baptist church.  Frightened with the call and other circumstances I went into the Army during the Vietnam era and became a Paratrooper.  Spent a tour in Germany, honorably discharged and became an Electrician in Chattanooga, Tn.  After five years of pulling wire I went back into the military and made a career of the Army.   Repaired radars at that time then went into logistics followed by Desert Shield/Storm.  During this time, I taught Bible Studies wherever I could.
While I was in the military I studied Systems Analysis (Efficiency expert).  After receiving this certificate, I went to extension college while in the military in Europe and combined with the credits from UT earned a European degree in Data Processing not regionally accredited.
My preaching experience started at Fort Bragg, NC while in the military.  I started preaching as a lay speaker in the United Methodist Church after attending one.  I moved to Virginia and continued as a lay speaker.  District Superintend Fred Austin gave me a phone call and asked if I would be willing to take on a charge.  After much praying and remembering my call I finally answered the call and was given four churches in Rural Retreat, VA.  Since then I have served four churches in the Rural Retreat Circuit, VA., six churches in the Fries Circuit, VA., five churches in the Cherokee circuit, TN., two churches in the Mt Carmel/Seviers Circuit, TN. and now serving in Clintwood.  I have 21 years serving as pastor in the United Methodist church not counting my lay speaking years and Bible teaching.  If you combine all of this I have 41 years preaching, speaking and Bible teaching.
During that time, I received my theological studies from the course of study at Duke Divinity in North Carolina.  Since then I became an associate member and ordained as a deacon in the United Methodist Church.
I am married to Donna Fillers who resides in Greeneville, TN.  I have three wonderful children and two grandchildren.
I am glad to become a part of Clintwood UMC in Clintwood, Va and look forward to working together to proclaim the Gospel, making disciples for the transformation of the world.
About the Author
Rev. Rance Edwards
This is just a short introduction so folks will know a little bit.  I was born in Waukegan, Illinois on Aug 7, 1953.  At five I moved to Mississippi.  My father was an engineer and moved around while trying to make a living and going to school.  He graduated from Old Miss and moved to Tennessee to become an Engineer for TVA.  So I spent elementary years in Mississippi and High School in Tennessee.  I graduated from High School from Washington State and that is another story.
I felt the call into ministry at an early age of 17.  I
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